söndag 21 september 2008

The Stolen Garden

I refer to my “garden” as The Stolen Garden because I “steal”, today I stole lavender seeds and yew cuttings. But it’s not really stealing because, the lavender for example the people that own it never take any seeds (or cuttings for that matter) and it’s not like I take ALL the seeds, plenty of seeds left.

And the yew “hedge” is a complete mess, growing out onto the street and is actually in the way if you want to see cars approaching so I don’t feel I’m doing anything wrong.

I have a limited budget so what’s a girl to do? (Sure I could knock on the door and ask for permission but where’s the thrill in that? This is the only excitement in my life.)

Other ways to get cheap plants, seeds, bulbs and whatnot is the net, garden people are always happy to give or trade.

(Tihi, here is where I steal my lavender, my favorite spot anyway)

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