onsdag 31 december 2008


· Remove The Devil (aka Snowberry bush)
· Make a flowerbed against the Tuja hedge (which isn’t ideal but… where else can I have a flowerbed? Need to think about that one)
· Fix the raspberries from spreading too much
· Tidy up the gooseberry
· Building bathouses
· Building birdhouses, especially one for owls so please keep your fingers crossed.
· Build a compost
· Sow rhubarb
·Build a bird bath

Wee!! Soon it’s sowtime!

I have to get organize (ha, what a joke!) and see what I need, not buy too much since I don’t have that much room. I want spring and I want it now!! I really do need to sit down and draw a plan on how to make room for all the plants, even if half of all the seeds I have will grow it’s going to be tough.

(I had been stupid and put my poppy seeds in a plastic container, bad idea… mold. Thank god I have more than I can sow.)

First one out to be sown is my Wolfs Bane. Supposed to be soon in January. If he doesn’t grow I will buy a plant! (I have no idea where to plant it…)

I should have put gift certificate at the seed companies on my wishlist, stupid me…