onsdag 26 maj 2010

Off season

I hope I made a bargain today but who knows. I went to the garden story and they were selling asparagus and onions and guess it’s a little late for it but what the hell, it was very cheap and all the unions and plants looked fresh and healthy so I have some digging to do. I have found a spot for the asparagus and I’m thinking I will do with the unions what I do with the garlic, just plant it here and there in the flowerbeds. Maybe a few onions can fit in the greenhouse…

fredag 21 maj 2010

Rhubarb and Asparagus

When I was shopping today I saw that they had rhubarb and my dad only cooks two things, rhubarb pie and oven made pancake (he is also the king of the barbeque but that does count) so I wanted to get me some pie but the rhubarb was really nasty. If it was my store I would not have that in the store, it looked disgusting and I doubt many people bought it. I have some rhubarb seeds that I bought years ago and forgot to sow them, I will now and see if they grow. If it doesn’t work I will prepare a place for some rhubarb next year.

I don’t eat asparagus but others in the family does. It cost 199kr per kilo… I guess we need to plant some asparagus ASAP. But there’s no room, not really… Maybe I have to be big and sacrifice a flowerbed? It is better to grow food than flowers isn’t it?

torsdag 20 maj 2010

Growing herbs

I made pizza today and it was so nice to pick my own herbs for the sauce, I only wish I had grown the tomatoes, garlic and union as well… maybe next year?

Growing you own food is fun; well it might be when things are going well. Right now the cucumbers are worrying me to be honest. The tomatoes are all good, well except the one that took a nose dive from the counter… The carrots are peeking up and the leek is in its pot, one kind of potatoes is in the ground.

måndag 10 maj 2010

Feels like...

I'm drifting from my original theme... do I have Edward Scissorhands on DVD? Yes I do, tea and Tim Burton for inspiration it is. On the commentary track of Edward Scissorhands Tim Burton refer to the house as, “Martha Stewards house, when she’s old and crazy”


6 stipa seeds in the soil, keep your fingers crossed. Planted some leftover parsley in a pot and some chives by the climbing rose (it’s supposed to help keep pests away). What else did I do? Oh, I sowed on pot of late carrots. It's not that warm outside and wet so I didn't feel like spending that much time outside today. Tea and a book would have been better but...

The Tea Corner

I think I want some grass and poppies there. Sounds easy somehow, I’m sure it’s not and I’ll complain about something late but at the time it seems like a good idea.

Annual poppies and feather grass (stipa pennata). My feather grass does not look like that, I hope it will one day… mine are just a few straws. Picture found here.

Current plants at The Tea Corner
1. Poppies, annual and perennial
2. English Poppies (I don’t want them there and I’m removing them the moment I see them)
3. Aquilegia (removing them)
4. Tulips
5. Allium
6. Lavender
7. Bleeding heart
8. Climbing rose “Flammentanz”
9. Elephant grass (miscanthus)
10. Lily of the valley
11. Anemone nemorosa
12. Daisies (bellis perennis)
13. Peony (There should be but I haven’t seen it yet, have I killed it? That’s what I thought before and I bought a new one)
14. Iris
15. Scabiosa
16. Rudbeckia
17. Boxwood
18. Forget-me-not
19. Tiger lilies
20. Garlic

There could be more plants, what a horrible mixture of plants… I don’t like it at all but it’s become a place where I just plant things because I don’t have many flower beds. What are the colors here… red, pink, purple, blue, lavender, green, white, yellow, orange. Sometimes I just want to start over… but what would I do different if I started over?

I think I have some Stipa seeds so I'm off to plant them.

söndag 9 maj 2010


I bought four big pots (29 liter) for my carrots and my leek. They might be a little too big but the ones I wanted were sold out so it was either small or bigger and I went with bigger. I bought some paprika (bell pepper) and chili. I was also looking for a bird bath but Jesus how expensive they were! So instead of buying a pretty ugly expensive thingy I went with a cheap saucer for flowerpots, I don’t think the birds will mind the low budget version.

fredag 7 maj 2010


I’ve planted two dahlias outside, “Arabian Night” (2/5) by the greenhouse and “Lucky number seven” (5/5) by the redcurrant. Just so I remember…

Arabian Night, but it's even darker when you see it in real life. I've never been able to capture the true color of it.

I think this is Lucky Number Seven, could be Thomas Edison too but... I know Lucky is pink.

Learning the hard way…

Planning has always been the main problem in the garden, well the lack of… I usually think that the small size is the problem but it’s not. Me not planning is the problem. Like with my Aquilegia vulgaris seeds I collected, “Oh, I just pour them out all over the place”, now I have Aquilegia all over the place and I’m not that found of them. There’s plenty in The Tea Corner and I feel poppies are more appropriate and besides, I like poppies a lot more.

So I am now trying to get rid of them from The Tea Corner to make room for some poppies. Perhaps I should plant the Aquilegia by the hedge? It’s just weeds there anyway and I don’t mind some flowers between the weeds… The area by the hedge is awful…

Someone said, “A gardener’s work is never done”, so true.

tisdag 4 maj 2010

Things are growing

A lot of my seeds are nice and are growing. Just the little problem of where to plant them all, perhaps not a very little problem either since there’s a lot of seedlings and not all that much space at all. Later today I will replant some seedlings and perhaps look around to see where the H I can plant my things.

I'm really happy that all of my Ipomoea seeds I got from Aimée are growing, especially the Runner Bean because the bean was so big. Big seeda are always more fun for some reason.

Also happy about the kiwi seeds growing!