Tomatoes: I like tomato plants because they smell so nice and they don’t give you any trouble. Well, they haven’t produced many tomatoes lately but other than that they are nice plants.
Leek: Growing pretty good but how will these tiny little straws become leek? Guess we just have to wait and see. Don't know where to plant these either... I always do this.
Ginger: Growing kind of slowly but she’s making her way up. She's not much to look at but it's fun. I'll give her a bigger pot and I'll let her be outside during the summer and I'll see how she likes it.
Basil: I have three pots of basil so I guess I have to make some pasta sauce along with the tomatoes and garlic this summer.
Garlic: I have some garlic that started to sprout (is that the word) and instead of throwing them I planted them in pots indoors so we’ll see what happens when I plant them outside later.
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