My garden is tiny but I want more animals in it. I would love to have a hedgehog but I have never seen a hedgehog around here but with the new compost who knows. I want an owl so I’m building a house for it. People have said that they’ve seen tawny owls (Strix aluco) and I read somewhere that they likely to move into a house if you build it so…
I want a robin too, something about robins. So cute. I need a bigger bush for them to like it. If I ever get my yew hedge I might get a little robin.
My dream is to have a raven living in the garden but they are apparently shy so I would have to settle for crows. I just love it when they sing…
And bats! Must have bats, building several bat-houses and hoping for the best. There are bats in the neighborhood and with all the demolition of forest around here I’m sure they will have a hard time finding a place to live.
I would like to have swallows but I think they make a mess if I get a colony of those to move in.
I’m also going to make bughouses. Good for all the plants and essential if I want a whole bunch of birds to move in. They seem very easy to make too. Here is how you make one.
I want a robin too, something about robins. So cute. I need a bigger bush for them to like it. If I ever get my yew hedge I might get a little robin.
My dream is to have a raven living in the garden but they are apparently shy so I would have to settle for crows. I just love it when they sing…
And bats! Must have bats, building several bat-houses and hoping for the best. There are bats in the neighborhood and with all the demolition of forest around here I’m sure they will have a hard time finding a place to live.
I would like to have swallows but I think they make a mess if I get a colony of those to move in.
I’m also going to make bughouses. Good for all the plants and essential if I want a whole bunch of birds to move in. They seem very easy to make too. Here is how you make one.
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