tisdag 21 oktober 2008

I bought a new orchid the other day

I used to be really good with orchids but something happened but what I don’t know. All of a sudden my babies started to die. After doing some research it looks as if they died because of water still left in the pot and that might be the cause. I think I started water them differently. In the beginning I was always watering them over the sink where I would make sure there were no water left in the pot but then I got lazy and just water them a little standing on the windowsill. So, due to this I bought a new orchid and I’ll do better with the watering and see if it will do the trick.

2 kommentarer:

Aimée Marie sa...

I had a really tough time with my orchids too. I love them, but I keep killing them.

Shelly sa...

Maybe you're doing the same mistake as me? How often do you water them? Someone said, “Treat them like old friends, not exotic guests”